Rat Guides
How many rats can your cage hold? Make life as comfortable as possible for your rats by making sure your cage isn't overcrowded
Find a vet suitable for your pet rat, or suggest one that others in your area can use. Found one no good for rats? Add it and let others know!
ratzrus.co.uk and/or any affiliates will not be held responsible for any errors in the site contents. All information has been thoroughly researched, but some inaccuracies may occur. Particularly for the illnesses and treatments sections, please remember that these are strictly for reference only and that a Vet is the only one who can properly diagnose and treat any of your rats.
ratzrus.co.uk and/or affiliates will not be held accountable for any injuries/fatalities that occur due to people taking diagnosis and treatments into their own hands.
ratzrus.co.uk and/or affiliates will not be held accountable for any injuries/fatalities that occur due to people taking diagnosis and treatments into their own hands.